Monday, July 12, 2010

What Is Home Automation?

There has been a lot of press coverage and interest in the "Smart Home of the Future and Home Automation. What do these terms mean and how can homeowners build a Smart Home or retrofit their existing home?
Home automation or “Smart Home” technology is the next revolution in home building. With more and more new homes featuring structured wiring as a base option, the digital home is catching on across the globe because of what it offers the homeowner. Callaway Home Theater has been designing home theaters and home automation systems for Atlanta homeowners for almost 20 years. They encourage their customers to incorporate home automation to improve their enjoyment of their home.

Remember that technology is changing rapidly and the more opportunity to "Future Proof" the home the more upgradeability you will have for the life of the home. Callaway Home Theater works with your builder and other contractors to make sure that all elements of your home automation systems are installed correctly and that all sub systems communicate properly. If you choose Callaway Home Theater to be your Home Solutions provider, you can be rest assured that your home will be capable of giving you decades of comfort and reliability. Contact us today so we can get your project started.

Lighting control used to mean the use of simple dimmers. We used to have to set the temperature at the thermostat and adjust every time someone was cold or hot. We used to have to walk to the TV set to change the channel for heaven’s sake. Well times have changed and there are new innovations that allow the homeowner to take control.

 It is not only about comfort and ease.Callaway Home Theater can install a Programmable thermostats that allow the homeowner to set back settings to maximize energy savings when the family is away or not using a part of the house. This can substantially reduce your utility bills.Your home can know when you need more hot water or needs the lighting to be adjusted. You can call your home on your cell phone and tell it to cool down and heat up the oven on your way home from work. It’s all possible with a Callaway Theater home solution.

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