Friday, July 16, 2010

uly 16, 2010 | by Arlen Schweiger

Some upcoming Blu-ray release just deserve their own special mention.

Movie fans have been waiting for the Alien quadrilogy to hit Blu-ray probably since the format arrived. The waiting will be over come October 25, 2010, reports Big Picture Big Sound.

That’s when a six-disc Alien Anthology Blu-ray set will be released to give the sci-fi folks their fill of Alien, Aliens, Alien3 and Alien Resurrection as well as two more discs chock full of extras, commentaries, documentaries and much more.

Our friend Rachel Cericola also notes that the new tagline for the Blu-ray release is particularly outstanding: “On Blu-ray, everyone will hear you scream,” playing off one of the all-time best movie taglines from the original Ridley Scott-directed Alien.

The box set actually has two versions of each movie, plus goodies that come out with the original Laserdisc release, and lots of new features, of course, including “Enhancement Pods” that bring you deeper into all of the behind-the-scenes stuff.

Yes, expect to pay a pretty penny to add this monster box set to your collection—it’ll run $139.99 on MSRP. However, you can get a jump on the ordering (so you don’t forget when October arrives) and save $42 right now with a pre-order on Amazon—making the Alien Blu-ray all the more enticing. You’ll be drooling like the alien monster waiting three months for it to arrive.

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